Reconquista and Crusader Cavalry and Infantry

The warband is ready to die for the Cross


Today I'd like to highlight one of my current projects: a warband to use for battles during the Reconquista and the Crusades. The miniatures are in 28mm scale. The infantry are all Victrix Normans, the cavalry are Reconquer Design 3D prints. The warband is now twenty warriors on foot and two horsemen although an additional group of forty footmen, twelve horsemen and twelve archers are still under assembly. These warriors will mostly be used for Saga and Oathmark but they could also be used for any other 28mm game in the future.
     As you can see the shields are not done yet. I have ordered shield transfers from LBMS and Battleflag, these should make the whole group a lot more colourful.  The transfers I bought are a combination of Spanish, crusader and Norman designs to make the warband feel non-uniform and from diverse origins. I also plan to print out some more cavalry, aiming at about fifteen mounted warriors and a commander with his banner bearer.
     Also on the workbench is an opposing Andalusian/Arab warband. Forty infantry models and 24 horsemen in various stages of assembly. After I have painted some of those I will post the pictures in a new post.

Both riders have been 3D printed.

Spanish knights and sergeants advancing along a road during a raid.

Some of the Arab (and Afghan) miniatures I am working on.


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