We should start a blog!

We were playing our first game of Warmaster, the discontinued Games Workshop ( Please don't sue us!) game of 10mm mayhem in the familiar setting. Ofcourse I had to take some pictures of the beautiful miniatures printed and painted by Barend. We shared the pictures with our friends, accompanied by short reports of the major events that took place during the battle. And that's when it struck me: We should start a blog!
So here we are. My good friend Barend and I are huge wargaming nerds, and hopefully we can share some of that passion with others here on this blog. We'd like to share battle reports, what projects we're working on and anything else we'd like to share about our hobby. We mostly play miniature wargames. Next to wargaming, our most passionate hobby is history. So we tend to play historical stuff, but we will also venture into scifi or fantasy settings. Actually our first battle report will be a fantasy battle! Maybe writing this blog will also push us to play and paint more often, and finish up the projects that are half done or only just starting to develop in our minds. Lets start with a short introduction:

Hello my name is Barend, i'm from the Netherlands. I am a history teacher who made his hobby his work. I have loved knights since I was little and long story short: now I have tons of them in different wargaming scales. I also discovered I enjoy making terrain. Most of the terrain pieces you see in the photos on this post has been built by me. I enjoy boardgames (Root, Oath, Pax Pamir) as well as roleplaying games (RuneQuest, WFRP).

And I am Merijn. Just like Barend I also teach history to highschoolers. And, as my unpronounceable name suggests, I am also Dutch. I started playing tabletop games because of my dad, an avid tabletop enthousiast, who probably got me into it ever since I could talk. Indeed, I always wanted to play as the barbarian on the cover of Heroquest, even when not playing Heroquest (I still wish I could possess a fraction of his imposing pressence, it might help me quieting down a classroom). My dad will probably feature in one of our future posts. In highschool I started playing Warhammer with friends. Then, along with Barend, I took the dive into historical wargaming around 8 years ago, and thats when the hobby really took off for us. We've collected a few armies from different periods over time, but of course, now that we've started a blog, more is coming!

Oh, before I forget! Why the name Good Beans!? It's the best line from the best war movie ever made. Do you know the one?


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