The Armies at Cronespire Crossroads

In the next post we will be supplying you with an After Action Report from our first game of Warmaster. But first I'm going to tell you a thing or two about the armies that were engaged.

While the army is based for GW's Warmaster on 20x40 bases I also plan to use them for Fantastic Battles grouping them up in units of two with a 40x40 base.

Both armies are 3D printed on an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro in 10mm scale using a combination of designs from Polish Lightning Miniatures, Peculiar Companions and Forest Dragon miniatures. The inspiration for the armies came from the Artesia comic book series. Artesia is a comic which first grabbed my attention because the (almost) realistic way it shows late-medieval armour and warfare. I liked it so much that a couple of years later I regularly reread it and based these two armies on the comic.

I came up with two miniature armies:

First is the western styled "High Kings Host".

The High King leads foot knights and pikemen to victory

The High Kings knights guard the crest next to a battery of artillery

This army is a late medieval warband made out of feudal troops mixed with mercenaries. The core of the army is a heavy cavalry brigade consisting of three regiments of knights. These are supported by two halberd regiments and two pike blocks. Two units of knights on foot will hold any ground in the name of their king. The High King fields a unit of cannons together with a single unit of handgunners and two regiments of crossbowmen. All together the High Kings Host makes for a very strong force, able to charge into battle, hold the ground and rain down a hailstorm of bolts, bullets and roundshot.


Handgunners skirmishing in front of knights on foot.

Royal cannons taking aim at Imperial infantry formations.

The right hand and the left hand of the High King.

The host is led by the king, and two of his bannermen, aptly named: The Red Knight and the Green Knight.

The Sultan whips up the silver regiment of the imperial guard into a frenzy.

Opposing the great host of the High King is the more Ottoman/Arab styled Imperial Army led by the Sultan.

Four regiments of spear form the base of this army. Two of these are supplied by local imperial subject states and the other two are city militias. Two archer regiments give the army it's ranged capabilities. Three regiments of armoured infantry of the imperial guard will be the solid steel fist for the Sultan to pummel his opponent with. Three squadrons of knights form the bulk of the army's cavalry forces. Two squadrons of nomadic horse archers are used as scouts and for harassing infantry.

The army is led by the Sultan dressed in splendid yellow and his two imperial captains.


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